

  1. Huang2024Scaffold.png
    Computational design and fabrication of infinitely reusable kit of parts
    Yijiang HuangZiqi Wang, Issue Hung, Chenming Jiang, Aurèle L.Gheyselinck, and Stelian Coros
    to be presented at IASS, 2024


  1. Yang2023Morphing.gif
    Hierarchical tessellation enables programmable morphing matter
    Xudong Yang, Mingchao Liu, Bojian Zhang, Ziqi Wang, Tianyu Chen, Yuan Zhou, Yu Chen, K. Jimmy Hsia, and Yifan Wang
    Matter, 2023
  2. Wang2023Sequence.png
    A Temporal Coherent Topology Optimization Approach for Assembly Planning of Bespoke Frame Structures
    Ziqi Wang, Florian Kennel-Maushart, Yijiang Huang, Bernhard Thomaszewski, and Stelian Coros
    ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2023), 2023
  3. Chen-2023-TileableShell.gif
    Masonry Shell Structures with Discrete Equivalence Classes
    Rulin Chen, Pengyun Qiu, Peng Song, Bailin Deng, Ziqi Wang, and Ying He
    ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2023), 2023


  1. Chen-2022-HighLevel.gif
    Computational design of high-level interlocking puzzles
    Rulin Chen, Ziqi Wang, Peng Song, and Bernd Bickel
    ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2022), Best Paper Honorable Mention, 2022
  2. Computational Assemblies: Analysis, Design, and Fabrication
    Peng Song, Ziqi Wang, and Marco Livesu
    Eurographics Tutorial, 2022


  1. Wang-2021-MOCCA.png
    MOCCA: Modeling and Optimizing Cone-joints for Complex Assemblies
    Ziqi Wang, Peng Song, and Mark Pauly
    ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2021), 2021
  2. State of the Art on Computational Design of Assemblies with Rigid Parts
    Ziqi Wang, Peng Song, and Mark Pauly
    Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics), 2021
  3. Xu2021ReusableAM.gif
    Reusable support for additive manufacturing
    Yang Xu, Ziqi Wang, Siyu Gong, and Yong Chen
    Additive Manufacturing, 2021


  1. Wang-2019-TpInterlock.png
    Design and Structural Optimization of Topological Interlocking Assemblies
    Ziqi Wang, Peng Song, Florin Isvoranu, and Mark Pauly
    ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2019), 2019


  1. Wang-2018-DESIA.png
    DESIA: A General Framework for Designing Interlocking Assemblies
    Ziqi Wang, Peng Song, and Mark Pauly
    ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2018), 2018
  2. Machined sharp edge restoration for triangle mesh workpiece models derived from grid-based machining simulation
    Ziqi Wang, Jack Szu-Shen Chen, Jimin Joy, and Hsi-Yung Feng
    Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2018


  1. Song-2016-CofiFab.png
    CofiFab: Coarse-to-Fine Fabrication of Large 3D Objects
    Peng Song, Bailin Deng, Ziqi Wang, Zhichao Dong, Wei Li, Chi-Wing Fu, and Ligang Liu
    ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2016), 2016